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Marriage issues


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I guess I'm doomed.


Well I wanted to use Aela's enhanced follower mod, so I divorced from her by console commands. Then I realized I couldn't marry her with the mod applied, so I disabled the mod and tried to remarry her. However, I didn't have the Amulet of Mara anymore, so I gave myself one, yet again with console. Now I cannot marry anyone, and I'm not sure whether it's because of the amulet, or the divorce messed up something, or because I forgot to wait 24 hours in-game after the divorce. Problem is I don't have saves before the divorce. I also downloaded a marriage mod, but it doesn't work either.


Am I really sentenced to live my life alone in Skyrim? XD

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Well.. you could always recreate your character... It's a hard decision, but sometimes yaz gotsa do whacha gotsa do. (especially if you're deleting all your saves)


It's *possible that you can resolve your issues by running re-saver on it and purging orphaned instances and scripts.


See: Fallrim Tools. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031/


Personally speaking, I use this tool on my saves with regularity for garbage collection.

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It didn't find any errors, but at the same time I managed to download another marriage mod that completely solved the whole problem. :D

Now I'm trying to somehow merge the mods so I can use the enhanced follower mod and marry her simultaneously. The tool you advised is awesome though. Thanks!

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