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Explosion Script...


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I've written a script but it has a bug in it.. It works, but you have to activate it a couple of times to get the explosion effect (or at lest it seems that way):


Any suggestions on what I'm missing in syntax or form. The point is: there is an activator on a wall that is enabled as part of another trigger. Once you reach this activator and activate it... it checks to see if you have the bomb in inventory, if you do... it removes it and sets the timer. you then get a message to move back and a few seconds later BOOM. explosion effect and the hole in the wall appears. Bomb activator disappears and is marked for deletion. Ideas???


Also - if you have a better way to do it... please include it as a finished code. :thumbsup: It was (as you can probably tell) hard enough to write this and scripting is not my forte.


scn BlackbriarOPNEST80ATTACK

float timer

begin onactivate

If Player.GetItemCount WeapNVTimeBomb>= 1
     set Timer to 10
     player.removeitem WeapNVTimeBomb 1; ingredient
 ShowMessage BlackbriarOPNEST80RUN; message to leave area before boom
 set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed; check time
 elseif timer > 0; when timer reaches 0
              BlackbriarOPNEST80Explosion2Ref.placeatme VMS02FakeLargeExplosion; boom effect
 	     BlackbriarOPNEST80ExplosionRef1.enable; damaged wall
          BlackbriarOPNEST80ExplosionRef.disable; hide good wall
          BlackbriarOPNEST80ExplosionRef.markfordelete; delete bomb activator


Edited by Guest
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