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More Realistic Armor Loots


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I am kind of pissed off that every brotherhood member is dropping power armors despite the fact that their heads, arms, legs being blown off. And, those were supposed to be used widely in the war against China. So, if a person wearing power armor died, the power armor is supposed to self destruct or be in an unusable condition. What I want for a mod is, power armor not being a loot and the other guys to have less chance of armors as a loot. I am already using a power armor rebalance mod, so if anyone can make this, game will be more fun to play and like previous games, my PC will have the power armor late in the game in spite of that gay power armor training. And, it would be nice to remove the power armor training alltogether or make some NPC besides the boring main quest to teach you how to use the power armor. One last note, it is really stupid after you turn someone into goo with plasma rifle the goo pile has still armors in it. :thanks: in advance.
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