scottmack Posted October 28, 2012 Share Posted October 28, 2012 (edited) EDIT: Never mind fixed it, keeping this script here for my own reference. SCN BlancaSCRIPT short HasBeenHiredshort WeaponOutshort CombatStyleRangedshort CombatStyleMeleeshort IsFollowingDefaultshort IsFollowingshortshort IsFollowingLongshort FollowerSwitchAggressive ; 0 = Passive (wait for player), 1 = Aggressive (attack when see enemy)short Waiting ;Edited now will hold value from 1 up to 3. 1 for HangOutPackage,2 fore Stealth package and 3 for Vanilla stand still.short DoOnceshort bLoadedOnce;short bTalking;short bshortercomConversationActive; ;FishyBob's variablesshort HavemetBefore ;value 1 for tue 0 for not; track if player and Blanca have met dhuhuu wil only be changed onceshort WaitLastTime ; holds the last value of the waiting var ; DRESS TRACKING!!!;short bCheckedOnce;;float fLastCheckHour;;short nLastCheckDay;;short nLastDressCount;;short nDressCount;;short bGottenULDress; Begin OnLoad; set up base stats if (bLoadedOnce == 0) SetActorValue sneak 100; set bLoadedOnce to 1; evp EquipItem WeapNVKnifeCombatUnique endif ;Script to make sure we set the right combat style on loading. If (CombatStyleRanged == 1) BlancaREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged; Else BlancaREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleMelee; EndIf End ; moved to OnLoad. - EPF 6/24/10;BEGIN GameMode;; if ( DoOnce == 0 ); if ( GetDistance Player <= 1400 ); set DoOnce to 1; ; endif; endif;;END BEGIN OnActivate player if (bTalking == 0) Activate; endifEND BEGIN OnCombatEND if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) resethealth restoreav perceptioncondition 100 restoreav endurancecondition 100 restoreav leftattackcondition 100 restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100 restoreav rightattackcondition 100 restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100 endif END BEGIN OnDeath if ( BlancaFollowers.bBlancaHired == 1 ) set VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers to VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers - 1; set VNPCFollowers.bHumanoidInParty to 0; if (VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers == 0) set VNPCFollowers.bPlayerHasFollower to 0 endif set BlancaFollowers.bBlancaHired to 0 ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadBlanca player.RemovePerk FortuneFinder ShowMessage FollowerMessagePerkBlancaRemove endif set BlancaFollowers.bBlancaDead to 1 END ; track in here to see if the player gives Blanca a dress.;BEGIN MenuMode 1008; container; if (GameHour > fLastCheckHour || GameDaysPassed > nLastCheckDay); set fLastCheckHour to GameHour;; set nLastCheckDay to GameDaysPassed;;; Set nDressCount to GetItemCount SkirtOutfits;; if (nLastDressCount < nDressCount); if (bGottenULDress == 0 && (GetItemCount OutfitFormalWear > 0 || GetItemCount ArmorWhiteGloveSociety > 0)); set VMS49.bDressReactionPending to 1;; EVP;; else; SayTo player VDialogueBlancaDressAcquire;; endif; endif; set nLastDressCount to nDressCount;; endif ;END Edited October 28, 2012 by scottmack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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