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Voice Fix for Gender Bug


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Hi. In Skyrim, my Dunmer male makes sounds like a Dunmer female when jumping, getting hit, grunting, and so forth. It's annoying to the point at which I can no longer enjoy playing the character. I know that the male files exist, because I have "fixed" my character for brief periods with showracemenu ... which of course ruins character stats when resetting race. Even if I didn't mind that, the female voice eventually reasserts itself. I have also read of other players facing a similar problem with other races, not just Dunmer.


I have searched existing mods and have not been able to locate one that either directly fixes this issue, or enables me to take existing sound files and "force" them onto the player character. There are plenty of mods that change the voice to that of a young anime girl ... but this is not exactly what I'm looking for. I could probably hack such a mod and force the default files I'm supposed to have, but I have no idea how.


So I am appealing to the modding community for help, either with an actual mod or instructions on how to kludge the audio files myself with the CK.


Thanks for reading! Any help would be appreciated. Zombra

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