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Skyrim Animation Replacer Request


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I was playing Skyrim the other day and thought "Hey, you know what? The dagger animations are really... i dunno... hectic. I wonder if there are any subtle animations." and so my search began.


Guess what! NOTHING lol


Really, what I want is that when you unsheathe your dagger you have the dagger in your hand, but stand like you normally would (for idle). When you begin walking you walk normally, as you would without the dagger. Get close to your target, click and BOOM! GUT STAB!!!


Sorry, just some idea I had. Would anyone be willing to make my dream a reality?


Thanks in advance,


Edited by DeathByEpicness
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A new walking animation like darth vader in tfu ...


drawing sword like in the witcher 2


I was kinda thinking of a indiscreet kind of walk, one that doesn't seem suspicious at all. The 'drawing sword like in the wither 2' thing... I've never seen the sword drawing before so I can't comment on that.

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