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Adoption or Orphanage


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I was wondering if there was a way to raise the adoption limit? Or a way to make the homeless kids go to the orphanage? (Mod-wise, I know you can't do it in the vanilla game)


I ask mostly because I found 4 homeless kids in the game, and I want to adopt them all, but there's this pesky limit in the way. Or, I would like to at least be able to escort them to the orphanage in Riften (after you kill the bitter old shrew that runs it of course), because I don't like the idea of only saving 2 of them and then leaving the other 2 in the cold.


Same thing with Aventus Aretino, he talks about going back to Riften and then never leaves his house. I don't know if it's just his programming or if it's a bug, but I'd like to get him back to Riften. You don't have to make him adoptable, though I do imagine some people would want to adopt him. I mean, come on...kid's got initiative, who doesn't like that?


I hope I explained my request decently enough.

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On the Aventus question, there is actually a mod called "Aventus Arentino goes home" i believe, that causes him to return to the orphanage after the player completes his quest and hands it in. it requires a certain amount of ingame time, but it's something at least. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=88469691&searchtext=


I've seen requests for the adoption limit being raised before, so maybe someone will. Anyway, hope that helps some.

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The adoption mod is long overdue. With so many houses in so many towns why limit the adoption to two?

With so many not-so-useful mods around how come this one has been missed?

If I were lucky enough to be smart enough to make a mod this is one I would certainly undertake.

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