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Oblivion boots me back to my Desktop


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Well I am in one hell of a fix im in.


Yesterday I decided to disable a few mods I was no longer interested in (Started disliking them greatly) These mods were the following.








I disabled them yesterday, and oblivion loaded up fine and dandy with no issues.


Then today rolls on by, Today I decided since these 3 mods were disabled anyway that I didnt need them sitting around in my modlist, so I opened up OBMM and deleted them. I also decided to install AULIAS. The moment I removed those 3 mods and added AULIAS, thats when this problem happened. Oblivion no longer works. Even after getting rid of AULIAS the problem persists. I looked at my master files and they are all still there. I ran it through wrye bash multiple times, I highly doubt it has anything to do with my load order, due to how smoothly it has ran in the past.


I'm going to try to reinstall oblivion then re-add in the mods, and see if that fixes the issue. If not I will be extremely annoyed.

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Sometimes manually deleting a mod will delete some part of the vanilla game that the mod uses,or leave something behind that can cause a problem - Mod managers usually handle this well, but if you are using OBMM, it may not.


I suspect that AULIAS is an acronym for something :rolleyes:


Instead of a full reinstall try this first: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4308518/1/#new


Then, if you still need a total reinstall, this works when nothing else does - thousands of satisfied customers. :cool: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4308533/1/#new


At least read through it to find out why other reinstall methods fail.





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Well I already did my reinstall, I let it reinstall last night while I slept, I put my oblivion folder with all my mods in a seperate area, I will see if I copy them back in if it may work or not.


Nope, didnt work. *sigh*


Okay so I deactivated all of my mods except dlcs(Not removed) and oblivion runs completely fine. I will try re-enabling mods one by one and see what mod is causing the issue.


Okay I cant re-enable the bash patch, it crashes the launcher, I think it may be the reason why it was crashing before, before I hit the reset to default button, it was enabled before, but I wont take any chances, Ill continue enabling them one by one.


Okay it was indeed the bash patch, I managed to re-enable all of the mods I use with no issues.


Alls good now, if a mod wishes to they can lock this.

Edited by welchdrew
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