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Are you sure you're using one of the physics enabled bodies? for instance, with 3BBB, the ones to use are the


SE Body amazing

SE Body Fantasy

SE Body Physics

SE Body special


for CBBE it's


CBBE physics

CBBE special


If you're using a UNP bodym try BHUNP . choices are much the same as for 3BBB (since its the UNP version of 3BBB)


ok, so in addition:


1) make sure to check the "build morphs" check box when generating the body


2) make sure that you didn't set an Output Path under Advanced in Bodyslide Settings. The output path should be empty when generating your player body. Any entry in that field will direct the output to somewhere other than the player's folder.

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The bodu i can see right now i was using the hair that had physics and it just sat on the ground so removed that mod and used a body that all the goods needed and still nothing. So i just installed it all and said screw it wait for the nest elder scrolls whenever that comes out lol.

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The body i can see right now, i was using the hair that had physics and it just sat on the ground so removed that mod, and used a body that all the goods needed and still nothing. So i just installed it all and said screw it wait for the nest elder scrolls whenever that comes out lol.

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