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Creation kit refuses to start


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Having fixed the lines in my SkyrimEditor.ini file, and having tried everything else I can think of, I'm now wondering how to make Creation Kit work in a new installation on Windows 10? I also checked the plugin path and pointed it to the right location. The error is "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000001d)."


Since the installation seems to be fatally broken, I thought I'd list what I tried:




SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa


I also tried it spelled Hearthfire.bsa but that also does not work


I am using an external drive, so:

sFile Path=G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\


Fixed: as far as I can tell, the problem was having a mod organizer file left over, but no mod organizer yet on the new install.

Edited by rbx3
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I was eating dinner so I am back, So your games are on drive G---great, the Editor install should be from steam as the source for LE version of the game.


IT should allow you to direct it's install path directly to the game folder. IF it installed any place else you will experience problems.


Do not alter the ini files. Only 1 file need the masters edit, and it not what you think.


So uninstall it from steam, remove all remnants and reinstall it as I direct here.

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Thanks for the help--I did a fresh install of everything, and the CK worked, right up until I added in my all my mods. Turns out I was wrong before: It seems that one of my larger merged addons is causing the crash! So, I know the problem and can address it now I believe, by removing the merged mod from the load order when I want to use CK.

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