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'please insert common disk to continue' - game doesn't wor


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Hiya, i'm having terrible problems with Oblivion. I wanted to feel nostalagic and i wanted to play it again, but when i launch the game, on the loading screen the game hangs up and an installer for ' Common ' pops up. After a few secs it says to insert the 'common' disk because there is no such feature or something like that. And it all just hangs up, nothing i can do besides closing the game. I had the same problem with Fallout New Vegas, but i could just close the installer there because the installer itself was not in a state that was not responding. Please help.


i can manage to close it by running the game in windowed mode and closing the installer as soon and pops up, but i wish to play in fullscreen mode. if i close the installer with the task manager after it pops up with the disk prompt, the whole game crashes.

Edited by JaconPL
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