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Unable to upload a file to Skyrim Nexus


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Oops...ouch...well these things take time. I do think I have to use Chrome for Nexus. In an earlier post jim_uk said that he found Firefox doesn't play nice with Nexus and to be honest, I found the same.
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I kinda figured that when I saw the other thread. If i'd read it first i wouldn'tve bothered posting about it. Think you guys work hard enough that I'm not going to worry. Glad for an update, tho. :) Hope it goes well today. lol
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Cool, just looking around for the same problem


I have additional problems related to this, aswell as being logged out on completion of the uploads, it seems sometimes the file completes and ends up in limbo - On retrying to upload the file after a logout error, on the next completed upload a new error is generated ..


File already exists, re-upload with a different file name


However the file is no where to be seen


So you try with a different filename .. get logged out .. get cheesed off and give up.


Running out of file name variations to try too in case there are any in limbo files lurking.


Glad to know its a known problem anyway and being looked at. I feel sorry for Starac and his SRO files, my biggest file is only circa 260mb, the frustration he must have felt when he thought his uploads were complete.


Edit: Sorry should have mentioned the upload I am trying is Vanilla Reduced Textures files.


I had the same problems with version 12 over a week ago, but at the time put it down to the usual 'Nexus is swamped' bad gateway related problems these days.

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If anyone else wants to try this, I think I have a possible workaround until its fixed


While you are uploading a file at skyrim nexus for example, open a new tab also at skyrim nexus, wait until your file in the other tab is circa 96% complete, then check the new tab and hit refresh to check you are still logged in ..


Then switch back to the file upload tab and fingers crossed it will complete - I just tried it a couple of minutes ago and it worked (unless the problem has been fixed already prior to that .. But I think this works, I tried the same over a week ago on a hunch it may work and it did)


Edit: Hmm, maybe not, just tried on the second file but it did not work. I let it lapse to logout on the second tab though, so maybe you need to keep refreshing every nine minutes and mother it until completion. Oh well here's hoping for a fix sometime.


Edit2: Mothering it seems to work, second file successful

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