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Simply Bigger Trees Or Any Trees - Look This Bad In Distance?


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I've attached a screen shot of MOD2 with the mods I'm using with Simply Bigger Trees, and a screen shot showing the trees in the near distance. That screen shot, the trees are only around 150-200 meters away.


Do trees look that bad in the near distance in Skyrim? I have the trees starting to look that bad at around only 50-100 meters away, it doesn't take a great distance for them to start appearing bad.


Is there anything I can do to make them look better, more realistic in the distance?




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I thought DynDOLOD was about improving Distance, not quality, because if you look at the mod on nexusmods and those screen shots, you see the same bad looking models, just more of them in the distance is all.




Anyhow, I forget in the HQ Tree Bark, there's a 'Lush' option which I am using, last I checked, the trees appear better, but if anyone has other ideas, please do share, or at least any tree mods that do look fantastic in the distance, please do tell.


I've used several tree mods, and most appear not to look so good in the distance...



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