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The Kingdom of Thoevia



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The Kingdom of Thoevia

by LethalThreat


It's a mod I'm working on, I still have a lot to do but I want to see how many people would be interested in it.


Changes in form

I. Square miles of the province changed from 50,346 sq. mi. to 14 sq. mi. why the difference? After research I found that Skyrim's sq. mi. is about 15. Just trying to keep it lore friendly.

II. I made it so the province is split in seven holds, I have not added this into a section yet since I haven't made up any names. Each hold has a different task for the government (ex. trade, mining..) The holds still follow Thoevian rules, the land was just split into six sections (not including the main hold) and high officials are the overseer of the hold's day-to-day operations. This will be explained further once I make a section.

III. I want to changed the dates, it seems un-lore that an empire can reach a golden age, a dark age and restoration age all within a little over 250 years. I feel like it needs to be changed to maybe around a 500 year empire? Not sure I may keep it at 250.






The Third Century


3E 942

Gerard Thoev formed his nomadic tribe, the Tho'evics. Has 500 members in the tribe.


3E 960

The Tho'evics start to build a small village on a unexplored 50,346 sq. mi. 14 sq. mi. (See change I.) island far off the coast of North Skyrim via boat.


3E 990

The village was built, named Thoevia.


3E 993

Settlers Nahiel and Alyson Hawtrey (non-tribe) purchase the first property in Thoevia.


3E 994

With the amound of rock available Gerard hires citizens and citizens outside of Thoevia to begin building Thoevia Castle.


The Fourth Century


4E 3

Gerard Theov dies of natural causes at age 73, his son Bartholomew Theov is now the village overseer.


4E 12

Twins Thomasine and Matila Theov of Bartholomew are born.


4E 30

Thomasine has a son, Esmour Theov.


4E 31

Thomasine has a second son, Reynard Theov.


4E 36

Matila has a daughter, Aphilla Theov.


4E 40

The barbaric tribe, the Esoruns, attack Thoevia. Making it the first assault on the town. The Thoevian's successfully defended, but lost many citizens and ten houses.


4E 45

Piers Thoev, son of Reynard is born.


4E 46

Thoevia's first guard force is assembled.

- Defence walls are beginning to be put up on the outskirts of town.

- Bartholomew steps down from overseer at age 73, making his son Thomasine Thoev new overseer.


4E 53

Bartholomew dies of natural causes at 81.


4E 67

Barnard Thoev, son of Esmour is born.

- Beatrix Theov, daughter of Esmour is born (later that year.)


4E 70

Thomasine dies to unknown causes at age 54.

- Esmour and Reynard fight over the title of overseer, causing a series of small battles between Esmour and his guards, and Reynard and his guards.

- Due to the fighting the citizen and Aphilla demanded that the rules should be; the eldest son should be the overseer.

- Esmour then becomes overseer at age 35.


4E 74

Thoevia Castle is completed, the castle is now home to the Thoev's and is also used as the town hall.


4E 75

The Thoevian Senate is formed.

- The title of Overseer is now King.


4E 83

Barnard Thoev dies from a bandit ambush while exploring at age 16.


4E 84

First talk of making Thoevia into a Kingdom starts between the King and Senate.


4E 86

Thoevia is now called the Kingdom of Thoevia.

- Requests to the High King of Skyrim have been sent to ask if Thoevia can be a Hold in Skyrim are sent.


4E 88

Esmour steps down from the throne. Making Beatrix Theov the new and first Queen of Thoevia at age 33.

- Jocelyn Thoev, daughter of Beatrix Thoev is born.


4E 89

Request to be a hold in Skyrim was denied, claiming the Kingdom to be too large, powerful and too far from skyrim.


4E 90

Golden age of the Kingdom of Thoevia beings, due to fully controlling the whole island, having great economic success in trade with all the provinces in Tamriel.

- Haalirien Thoev, son of Beatrix Thoev is born.

- Malikor Thoe, son of Beatrix Theov is born.


4E 96

Esmour dies of natural causes at age 76


4E 99

The Empire asks Queen Beatrix to make Thoevia a province in Tamriel. Beatrix accepts and now the Kingdom is the tenth province in Skyrim.


4E 100

The Empire asks Queen Beatrix to be part of the Empire, merging the militaries together. Beatrix doesn't accept their request, but says the Thoevian military will be the Empire's ally in times of need. The Emporer wasn't happy but accepted the truce, also know as "The Great Truce" or "Truce Between the Two Empires" among commoners.


4E 104

Beatrix Thoev steps down from Queen. Making Jocelyn Thoev the new Queen at age 18 and the youngest ruler of Thoevia.


4E 130

Omaem and Saeven Thoev, son twins of Jocelyn Thoev are born.


4E 153

Beatrix Thoev dies of natural causes at age 86.


4E 166

(Late Year)

Jocelyn steps down from throne at age 62.

- Saeven Thoev takes the throne by popular vote by the Senate a 13-2 vote.

- Omaem gets angered and leaves the Kingdom taking 4,000 soldiers with him and 50 boats shouting that he will be back to claim the throne.


4E 167

Saeven sends a small scout party out to find Omaem.

- Nilalith, son of Saeven is born.


Later that year;

One of the scouts from the scout party return to Thoevia.

- The scout looked as if he had tortured terribly, after he was healed up enough to be able to talk again he said quote; "We were ambushed by one of his raiding parties. They took us to Omaen, he had us tortured until we died, the torture lasted about three weeks. He spared me and sent me back here to tell you he isn't messing around, and his army is preparing to invade Thoevia. I wasn't able to see where he was, they had us blindfolded as they brought us to him."

- Saeven orders the military and guard to be on high alert for invasion, and warns the people of Thoevia.


4E 168

Omaem and his rebellion (300,000 soldiers with 200 ships now, they are also highly train in everything, how they became so strong is unknown) cut off trade lines from Thoevia to Tamriel. This doesn't prove to be too effective since Thoevia isn't importing trade, but it does take a hit on their economy.

-* Thoevian scouts sneak past, they leave the province and head to Skyrim where they begin spreading the news for help.


4E 171

The Dark Ages begin.

- Omaem and his men begin to bombard the coasts of Thoevia.

- The Rebellion breach the coast wall and begin invading inward.


4E 172

The Thoevian province is now deep in chaos with the Rebellion controlling every port and destroying every town. Messages can't get across the province. The Rebellion maybe a small faction of the Thoevian military but their power makes up for the men they lack. Quote "One soldier is five of us, how did they become so damned powerful!?."


4E 173

The Aldmeri Dominion begin attacking Thoevia now.

- The Rebellion and Aldmeri are nearing the Capitol of Thoevia.


4E 174

*Jarls from Haafingar, Hjallmarch, Winterhold, Whiterun and The Pale send reinforcements to Thoevia, this is the turning point in the war. The five holds reinforcements breach the blockade, take back the docks and begin to move inward. The news is heard throughout the Thoevian province, this raises the moral and citizens and soldiers alike take up arms to push back the Rebellion and Aldmeri. This moral boost created the famous Thoevian war chant called, We Shall Never Surrender!;


"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be!

We shall fight on the beaches!

We shall fight on the landing grounds!

We shall fight in the fields and in the streets!

We shall fight in the hills!

We shall never surrender!"


4E 175

The five holds and the Thoevian warriors push the Aldmeri and Rebels back into their main fort in the province. The Aldmeri and Rebels plead for a treaty. The Thoevian's showed no mercy and the five hold's soldiers and the Thoevian's successfully defeated the Aldmeri and Rebels.With the Rebels and Aldmeri out of the province now, this ended the Dark Ages and now the restoration of the province began. The five holds helped out the Thoevians begin the restorations.


4E 188

Restoration of the important parts in Thoevia is completed. Thoevia begins to pay the five holds for the help.


4E 193

Saeven steps down from the throne, making Nilalith king at age 26


4E 200

Saeven dies to natural causes


4E 201 Present day




(I put it in the spoiler box so it didn't take up the whole page.)


**Expect Changes! Near the end years I may add more or fix something, if I do it will be noted in the Changes section.


This basically contains the whole story of Thoevia, I'm really not to sure how to sum it up even more.


Thoevian Statistics


3E 990

(First official town statistics)

Population: 500

Enlisted Soldiers: 500

Government: N/a

Controls: 2 sq. mi.

Holds: N/a


4E 90

(Golden Age)

Population: 6,000,000

Enlisted Soldiers: 3,000,000

Government: Republic

Controls: 14 sq. mi.

Holds: Seven


4E 175

(End of the Dark Ages)

Population: 3,750,000

Enlisted Soldiers: 1,200,000

Government: Republic

Controls: 14 sq. mi.

Holds: Seven


4E 201


Population: 4,000,000

Enlisted Soldiers: 1,500,000

Government: Republic

Controls: 14 sq. mi.

Holds: Seven


The Mod

What I want to do/currently working on is create Thoevia. Before I made the timeline the story was that the Kingdom had the same fate as Winterhold with the "Great Collapse." And all that was left of the Kingdom was the castle, the rest of the Kingdom was in the sea now. But that changed during the timeline, I like the current story better. But now with the Kingdom still intact it's going to be difficult to make because I'm not sure how to create world spaces.

Without any conflicts and if everything turns out how I want it to (but I doubt it) this is what will be included:

- The whole kingdom, this would include;

- Towns (houses, taverns.. Npcs living there, soldiers patrolling the town.)

- The main city (holds the castle and senate, many npc and soldiers.)

- Clutter, as in trees, rocks, mountains, all that.

- See soldiers from the five holds roaming around and helping rebuild the Kingdom along side citizens and soldiers.

- The player will most likely be included some how, whether it be by helping rebuild the city, take out and remaining members of the Omaem Rebellion in Skyrim or purchasing property.


I will most likely need help on things, since I'm not good at scripts, new textures, meshes ect. if you're interested let me know.


The Mod Backup

IF the mod proves to be to difficult I may make a short story about the Kingdom of Thoevia because I like this story but I don't know if I'll be able to make it in a mod.

The short story will include the Dragonborn, if I choose to write a short story with Dragonborn involved I may have it so you'll have to read the story to understand the mod. If I do that the mod will start where the story left off (get what I'm trying to get to?) It'd be easier for me since I won't have to do all that quest and script crap in the mod. (Actually this maybe what I choose to do.)


Other Notes

- Thoevia is obsessed with arts, astronomy and science.

- They aren't to religious but they still follow the divines, Talos included.

- The Kingdom is also known as; The Thoevian Empire or The Golden Kingdom.

- The capital of the Thoevian province is Geraoloix (A combination of Gerard, Bartholomew, and Beatrix. Gerard because he founded Thoevia, Bartholomew because he was Gerard's son, and Beatrix because she is considered the greatest ruler of Thoevia.)



None yet. But I will answer some questions some may have on their mind.


This isn't lore friendly! Another province in Tamriel? HOW!? - You're right it may not be 100% lore, but the story is that the province of Thoevia was never discovered prior to the Tho'evic tribe finding it. So no one knew about it, and the maps aren't updated to the new province. Honestly, I'm not to worried about the lore but I will keep it as lore friendly as I can.


Currently what do you think you will do? Make a short story then the mod? Or just make it into a whole mod? - Most likely a short story then the mod. How I'll write the story though? I'm not sure yet. If I will start it from the beginning of finding the province (will be much longer) or have the story in Dragonborn's time.

Supporting the mod

If you would be interested in reading the stories and playing the mod. I made a poll for either yes or no because I thought it'd be easier for you and me.


If you vote yes, thank you. Also, if you would like to help or have any comments please let me know, either through message or comments.

If you vote no, please respectfully tell me why, either through message or comments.


Voting is important, it will help me stay interested with this mod!

Edited by LethalThreat
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