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Another Dawnguard Problem


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Hello I'm new here and I obviously signed in just to ask for everyone's help. I took all the advises regarding Dawnguard and how you check the plugin in the Nexus Mod Manager. I've been doing it a lot of times now and it is still not working. :c And every time I check the mod manager, I always see the Dawnguard.esm plugin unchecked even though I checked it a couple of minutes ago. I reinstalled Skyrim, and the same thing happened. And yes, I check if the plugin is installed by playing it. My character's level is beyond 10 and no matter how hard I try to search for the hidden cave near Riften or by just waking in and out of Whiterun to check for Dorak Oooor by just talking to the Hold Guards, none of these seem to work. u.u


Can somebody help me here?

Edited by dreirie
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