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(Yangtze) Nukes Clear Cells


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Been using the mod Yangtze nukes...it's pretty phenomenal...like launching a real nuke... especially paired up with Nukes Ignore LOS. Almost Reggie and the Full Effect. Only thing missing now is the glaring lack of non-organic destructive aftermath. I'm not a modder per say, but I know from using the mod Amazing Follower Tweaks that it is possible to clear cells with a script command...thinking it'd be pretty cool to see that command as part of the effect of a nuke blast. Probably game breaking if misused, but who cares. Wonder if the buildings would eventually respawn in non-settlement areas too. How 'bout it champs?

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It'd be interesting to see done, though given the actual nuke that created the Glowing Sea didn't also level every building in nearby Boston as it reasonably should have, the sub nukes not laying waste to everything seems rather on par for the logic, or lack thereof.

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