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More Animal Parts


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Hey I was thinking that it would be cool to have some more animal misc items that you can scavenge, and I've gotten a few to work, but I'm stumped on some others. Any input? It would be great if someone even wanted to put some together-


Yao Guai Hide

all of the hides have the exact same shape and different textures but the same shaped texture, any chance we could have something like this but for Yao Guais?


Yao Guai Paw/Hand

like Deathclaw Hand, ideally would look just like a Yao Guai forleg looks if you dismember it in-game, think of the possibilities - craftable Yao Guai gauntlet perhaps?


Mole Rat Hide

like the rug, but the same shape/texture shape as hides. maybe use for crafting


Brahmin Hide

an obvious one, considering their resemblance to cows, also to match the Bighorner hide added by Honest Hearts, again ideally the same shape as all the other hides and tanned version


Lakelurk Meat

Lakelurks don't have big claws like Mirelurks, so just using the Mirelurk Meat claw doesn't really make sense, perhaps something? not really important I don't know




some things I've managed to do on my own include Mirelurk Eggs, Bighorner Hide (using Honest Hearts texture)


anyway if anyone is interested just respond





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