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I made errors and don't know how to fix


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Hi guys,


I added a pair of boots and gloves in River's smith area, but as there was not enough space on the table, I deleted the existing dummy objects (using delete key), 2 to be more precise. And now, when I check errors through TESSedit, it says:

REFR:000F6F34] (places DummyBoots [ARMO:0006A0A9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Riverwood02 [CELL:00009712] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 5,-11))
[00:00]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base

[00:00] [REFR:000EAFB8] (places ArmorSteelShield "Steel Shield" [ARMO:00013955] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Riverwood02 [CELL:00009712] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 5,-11))
[00:00]     REFR -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Base

Game works fine, but I wonder if this will provoke some bad later. Do you know how can I remove that Base too? What it is exactly, this Base?



Edited by Salamandre19
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