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no animation when standing unsheathed or running unsheathed


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so basically when ever put away my weapons in game a character is stuck in a t-pose also while running too but when have my weapons out animations work normally ,fortunately jumping, crouching ,combat with weapons and Shields ,and spells have the proper animation just not walking without weapons.


i noticed this when i installed fnis Sexy move


if it helps i'm running Fnis through NMO but fnis gives me not warnings or errors


any help?


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FNIS Behavior V7.5.1 29/11/2019 22:43:12

Skyrim SE 64bit: - D:\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: Unknown (156 bones) male: Unknown (156 bones)

Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"

Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading 0Sex_0M2F_A V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_D V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_K V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_M V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_R V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_S V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_0MF_U V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_BB_A V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_BG_A V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_EMF_A V?.? ...

Reading 0Sex_WZH0_A V?.? ...

Reading FNISBase V7.5.1 ...

Reading FNISSexyMove V7.2 ...

Reading XPMSE V7.2 ...

Reading _ESG_0ER_F V?.? ...

Reading _ESG_0ER_M V?.? ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

No GENDER directory male

18 GENDER modifications for Animations\female

Alternate Animation mods: 3 sets: 19 total groups: 57 added file slots: 332 alternate files: 326

Creature Pack not installed

2356 animations for 16 mods successfully included (character)

Note: i have gender specific animations (on)

Skeleton arm fix (on)
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Thanks. Can you try FNIS 7.5.0? This is a sticky posted in the XPMSSE posts section:

!Warning to users!
If you have installed 4.60Version or above, do not use FNIS 7.5.1 version.
Currently 7.5.1 Version isn't able to read XPMSSE hkx correctly.
It causes CTD when a dragon flies off. Please get 7.5.0 version instead to avoid the issue until Fore, FNIS modder, finishes his work on FNIS update.

Also when you run FNIS with the latest XPMSE, you will see 'Unknown' bone log. It means FNIS cannot read XPMSSE newest versions. However, it doesn't mean that FNIS fails to compile animationdata. Do not bother with it. It means nothing to users.

Edited by Grospolina
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Thanks. Can you try FNIS 7.5.0? This is a sticky posted in the XPMSSE posts section:


!Warning to users!

If you have installed 4.60Version or above, do not use FNIS 7.5.1 version.

Currently 7.5.1 Version isn't able to read XPMSSE hkx correctly.

It causes CTD when a dragon flies off. Please get 7.5.0 version instead to avoid the issue until Fore, FNIS modder, finishes his work on FNIS update.


Also when you run FNIS with the latest XPMSE, you will see 'Unknown' bone log. It means FNIS cannot read XPMSSE newest versions. However, it doesn't mean that FNIS fails to compile animationdata. Do not bother with it. It means nothing to users.



This "Warning to Users!" is absolute nonsense. And I have responded in the XPMSSE thread appropriately.


FNIS does NOTHING but provide space in the behavior files for the bones that are part of the skeleton. And it has NEVER been a problem in the past to use more space than actually needed. In fact, if you go back to FNIS 7.5 then you also have space created for too many bones. But then it is only 3 too many, and not 30 too many.


I'm neither talking the blame for that, nor do I want to spent time for this update adventure. Each release of FNIS costs at least a couple of hours. And for what? Because a small minority of users has the urgent need for belly and anus bones?

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thats fixed the issue with the npcs that i forgot to mention LOL. anyways i still im still t-posing in game whenever i stand still


When you have t-pose for certain animations only (and not for the player and all NPCs) then there is always ONE reason: the missing animations have been added to the game by FNIS, but have then been removed by the user in some way. And now the game can't find them any more.


HOW this can happen? There are many possible ways how a user can mess this up, and it is impossible to tell with the given information. YOU have to figure out based on the animations that fail, and from what mod they come from. For example, if you use Sexy Move, and have issues with the walk forward, then you should try to set another walk type in the SM MCM.


One frequent reason of user mistakes: you write that you run FNIS from "NMO". You talk about MO, not NMM, is suspect? Then there is a chance that you have "bad data" in you MO overwrites. Always start by removing all overwrites before running FNIS.

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