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Remove the Flare and Heal Minor Wounds spells?


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Just wondering but is it possible to remove the two starter spells? The ones known as Flare and Heal Minor Wounds? Then maybe put them in a magic shop instead?


Just curious if its possible.

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It is possible to remove them, or any other spell for that matter. I personally use a mod that puts in a spell deleter.


However, there is a possible problem with removing one of those. I think it's Heal Minor Wound. The game will force you to default to that particular spell if there is ever a problem with a different spell you might be using such as a mod-added one or a custom spell you made. Think of that starter spell as a failsafe. If something goes wrong, the game switches to that starter spell, and if that starter spell isnt there....

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It's surely a bad idea to delete those spells, but shouldn't it be possible to alter what spells you start with, so you start without any spells?

Someone correct me, if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it just be the list of spells the NPC named "Bendu Olo" has? :unsure:

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