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simple requests for hunting/archery


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In real life, when an animal is shot or hit with an arrow, they do this quick jolt like a panicked run to get away, but if you hit them they will most likely slow down, bleed and die shortly after.


In the game, you can hit an animal for 90% of its HP then it will run nonstop at impossible speeds to catch up to and aim properly. Then they get away, and heal to full after they are out of your range.



Can someone address this in a mod? Make it so animals cannot run at full speed after being hit by an arrow, or add some sort of stagger or reduced speed after the animal's initial sprint away. (another idea is to add some sort of initial fall animals take after being hit for the very first time, then they have to get back up on their feet and then they can run off at full speed, this would allow for enough time for a follow up shot)



Other suggestions: add foot imprints to all terrain like how animals leave footsteps in the snow, which would allow for a basic/crude beginning to some sort of tracking system ingame. It could be very brief and not overly complex, just something crude to follow if you lost track of an animal you are pursuing.



also, can someone just model a simple armguard for archer characters? like one sided bracer basically, thats very thin and lightweight. it would be easy to do and adds immersion if you play an archer class

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the stagger perk, don't animals stagger after being hit with an arrow?


Or you can do what I do. Use paralyze poisons so they can't escape. I figure the poison cooks out of the meat, similar to cooking alcohol. Also, there is a mod floating around that makes poison remain on weapons for more than one hit (or one arrow), which is more realistic- you aren't going to use an entire bottle of poison on one arrowhead.


As another option, crossbows introduced in the Dawnguard expansion are great for hunting. A steel crossbow with a little Smithing can take down most animals in one shot, and crossbows are accessible early on for just about any character.

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