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Ditch the Insta-Healing


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Real World Concept: Eating, drinking, or using healing medications (stim-packs) DOES NOT give instantaneous healing.


Corresponding Game Mechanic: When a character eats food, consumes some drink, or uses a stim-pack, the healing effect should not actually happen until 1 hour of game time has passed. Also, a character should not be able to eat, drink or stim more than once per hour. Doing all three at once is fine, but only one of each per hour. Stuffing yourself with crispy iguana bits until you puke is no way to heal the bullet wound in your leg...


Current solution: Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my solution is to simulate the one hour for these items to take effect with the wait command. When I am injured, I will try to find a safe place to hide out for an hour while I have something to eat, drink, and maybe stim-pack myself. Since these items could never instantly heal the body, as soon as I "use" one of each--and only one--food item, drink item, and maybe a stim-pack, I immediately "wait" for one hour to simulate the time needed for my meds and food/drink to take effect.


This takes away the ludicrous effect of stopping time while a Super Mutant is unloading anautomatic weapon on me so I can have a 12 course meal of Radroach meat, Nuka-Cola, and Stim-Packs to restore my full HP before saying "Time-In!" and blowing said Super Mutant away. Healing items should not be usable in combat, and modding the game in this manner would bring this "wasteland survival" concept into reality.


Thank you for reading!

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Real World Concept: Eating, drinking, or using healing medications (stim-packs) DOES NOT give instantaneous healing.


Corresponding Game Mechanic: When a character eats food, consumes some drink, or uses a stim-pack, the healing effect should not actually happen until 1 hour of game time has passed. Also, a character should not be able to eat, drink or stim more than once per hour. Doing all three at once is fine, but only one of each per hour. Stuffing yourself with crispy iguana bits until you puke is no way to heal the bullet wound in your leg...


Current solution: Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my solution is to simulate the one hour for these items to take effect with the wait command. When I am injured, I will try to find a safe place to hide out for an hour while I have something to eat, drink, and maybe stim-pack myself. Since these items could never instantly heal the body, as soon as I "use" one of each--and only one--food item, drink item, and maybe a stim-pack, I immediately "wait" for one hour to simulate the time needed for my meds and food/drink to take effect.


This takes away the ludicrous effect of stopping time while a Super Mutant is unloading anautomatic weapon on me so I can have a 12 course meal of Radroach meat, Nuka-Cola, and Stim-Packs to restore my full HP before saying "Time-In!" and blowing said Super Mutant away. Healing items should not be usable in combat, and modding the game in this manner would bring this "wasteland survival" concept into reality.


Thank you for reading!


dont forget to nix the ability to save your game, cause in actuality its real life :thumbsup:

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Well, your solution is a bit too extreme - what should happen is either the health should be gained over time as in Diablo (10 seconds or so) or using a stim/eating etc should have an appropriate animation - meaning each time you eat or take a stim mid-combat, you are going to be getting shot at. This would make it more like fallout 1/2 where stims take action points.


As it is right now, the game is far too easy - how can you possibly die when you can freeze time to heal? It really destroys the gameplay.

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What rpgs lack insta-healing?



Good point... it is either healing potions or healing orbs or something like that... I guess instead of requesting a mod for these kind of details, a player can roleplay so he/she doesnt use stimpacks during fights or roaming the wasteland and use stimpacks only at home in Megaton or something, or only get healing by doctors...

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Good point... it is either healing potions or healing orbs or something like that... I guess instead of requesting a mod for these kind of details, a player can roleplay so he/she doesnt use stimpacks during fights or roaming the wasteland and use stimpacks only at home in Megaton or something, or only get healing by doctors...


You are absolutely correct, macmert. If you will note in the "current solution" portion of my original post, I stated that I ONLY eat, drink, or use stim packs when I am in a relatively safe location (if the wait command will not come up because enemies are nearby, then the area is not safe). And then I will only use one of each item type and then wait for 1 hour to simulate the hour required (in my imagination) for the effects to kick in.


Thank you for reading and for your comments!

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