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Ditch the Insta-Healing


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This + ammo weight would make me very happy


The problem with adding weight to ammo is that the lowest value recognized for weight is 0.1


I think 100 5.56 rounds in real life weighs approximately a pound, so setting it to 0.1 would be 10x more punishing than it should be.


I'm very disappointed by the fact that they didn't allow room for smaller numbers.


It is not quite 10X. 100 rounds of 5.56 actually weighs 2.65 pounds (at least according to this web site), but even still, BlindSniper is correct. Assigning small arms ammo a weight of 0.1 would be approximately 3.76 times more punishing (at least using 5.56 as an example) than real life.


Hmm...I just had an idea of a work around for this! Click here to read.

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This, along with disabling pipboy access during combat, ammo weight, hunger/thirst/fatigue, and higher vulnerability to damage, would make a great realism overhaul mod that further enhances the survival aspect of the game.


Thank you for the comments, dragon0421! Your statement if a partial summary of my exact vision for FO3. I have a ton of ideas rolling around in my head to make some small adjustments to the game mechanics (and some not so small!) and make a great "realism overhaul" to give the game a true feeling of FIGHTING for your survival out there. Waltzing through the wasteland with the power to easily kill anything you encounter just seems very boring to me. Might as well turn on god-mode on never worry about getting shot again.


If you click my user name you can see all of the other posts I have made in an effort to work towards building exactly what you mentioned. A realism overhaul that does not suck all the fun out of the game, but rather increases fun by making the player feel like the REALLY accomplished something with each milestone in the game.

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Also you can not slow down time in real life maybe we should be able to do that too.


Slow down time? Who is doing that? Using VATS slows down time for everyone including the player character. It is not as if the player character stops time for everyone else and runs around at full speed shooting them all while they are frozen. VATS is just a dramatic presentation of the action.


:thanks: for the sarcasm though!

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I think 100 5.56 rounds in real life weighs approximately a pound, so setting it to 0.1 would be 10x more punishing than it should be.


Easiest fix would be just to add an extra zero on the end of everything else and that includes the base PC weight. Pretty simple fix really since you don't need any extra decimal places. So basically what I'm saying is say the PC has a base weight of 190, add an extra 0 to make it 1900, then a Rifle that used to have the weight of 3 would be 30 if you add an extra zero.


Really you just need to mess with the existing scaling system to workaround the hard limits.


mr_cyberpunk beat me to this idea! Great thinking mr_cyberpunk! I posted this exact thing in my Ammo Weight Mod thread before I saw this thread. So..yes, I 100% agree!

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mr_cyberpunk beat me to this idea! Great thinking mr_cyberpunk! I posted this exact thing in my Ammo Weight Mod thread before I saw this thread. So..yes, I 100% agree!


its cool. I just thought back to year(grade)10 Maths, where you'd multiply a decimal place by 10 and it'd bump it up eventually to whole numbers. So its basically the same as having a decimal place but you've just bumped it up to whole numbers. Good luck to the modder who ends up working on this as it seems plausible due to just editing a few attributes which we've seen done before.

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I believe that's a form of scientific notation, and it's a cleverly simplistic fix for the weight problem actually. What you're saying is to simply scale everything to a 10x level, then. It would be easy if not time consuming changing each item according to this rule, but it's completely doable. I already know how to change item weights, if someone knows which portion of the ammo's code is the weight, I'll get working on it right away!


It would look strange and maybe aesthetically displeasing on the UI - being able to hold 2500 lbs (or kg?) from the old 250, but it sure as hell beats the alternative of weightless ammo, and there doesn't seem to be any other way. Thanks very much on the idea, I didn't want to start playing again until I started a new game with a mod like this.


And as far as the 100 5.56 ammo weighting a pound, my mistake then, it was a rough estimate, but mainly my mind was just stuck in kilograms :wink:

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Actually the UI won't suffer, there is another mod that makes the font size smaller, no overlaps should occur.


That's good to hear, but I meant more in line with the fact that you can supposedly carry a ton, and the fact that the little iguana pieces on that stick weigh 10 pounds. :blink:


Personally, it wouldn't bother me all that much, but I imagine it might bother others.

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