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Ditch the Insta-Healing


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Weight in Fallout never == Kgs/Pounds. Its just a score. Hell the average human weighs around 60-100 pounds, technically going by Fallout 3 a human can lift 1.5-to-3.0x their own weight.


Really its just a score, see it as that just as the original fallouts were. I mean realistically humans can't carry a micro-nuclear device, 6 Machine Guns, 2 Rocket Launchers, 30 Bottles of Nuka Cola.. ect ect.


So just don't worry about it. Its just a score.

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this may have been mentioned, but im down to dialup speed due to overd/l haha, what about things like bandaging limbs after battle? using alcohol to heal wounds - if you dont you cop some kind of infection (1-2 hp loss) a day at first or something. this could get real cool and complicated real fast! if you don't heal or cauterise wounds you start losing hp??? maybe im dreaming, the "stimpacks" could simply be morpheine, and only make you able to take the pain you're in... though maybe fights would get extremely insanely difficult? im throwing ideas out there... :D
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I would prefer a mod that changes stimpaks two ways, first that the results are temporary...gives you temp hit points until it wears off, re-inject or do a more permanent medical treatment. Second, the more you depend on stims not only risks addiction but "tolerance" to the drug meaning they give you fewer hit points each time you use one.


As for the food and drink giving health, nix it for good. A mod creating a need to eat and drink is great, IMO. Make food and water vital for a character, even dirty water is good though it has the built in result of rads. Have sleep restore hit points but not cure lost limbs, leave that for doctors and medical stations.

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I've made it a habit to not "pause" in combat except to change weapons, but a couple times I found myself downing a half dozen bottles of water.... or eating 20 dog meats. I liked the feel in oblivion where you could only drink so many pots at one time. I think in FO3 it would work if you could only eat a few things at a time, or use so many Stim's at a time, and they were an over-time item.
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Some good ideas in this thread.


As a possible way to strip it down to a bare-bones model to work from, is it feasible to adjust the usability of items based on the danger status? As in... [hidden] (e.g., no enemies around) do what you want, use any item. [caution] Stimpaks only, no eating or drinking (noise of rustling bags/bottles would alert enemies, etc.). [danger] no healing of any kind. A 'bad guy' is not going to sit around while you lazily chew on some chow or carefully inject/apply a blood pack.

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