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Smoother combat


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Hi! I feel like the combat in skyrim is a bit jerky and somewhat linear, I want that to change! Unfortunately I lack both patience and knowledge to make my mod come true , so I turn to you.


My idea is to give combat more fluency and tactics without overdoing it. I believe this could be achieved by giving us a small action bar with 2-3 slots and a consumables bar that could be -

used without entering any of the in-game menus or pausing the game. The action bar could be used to either quick switch between weapons or spells(much like the favorite menu) and -

the consumables bar for putting HP/MP pots in, but without interrupting combat or pausing gameplay in the process.

I'm not asking for instant weapon/spell switches here, just something that doesn't require you to scroll through the menus and pausing the entire game.



This would add some dimensions to combat and make it smoother, it would also be a nice addition to deadly dragons and other similar mods as well.

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