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Do all edits to XComStrategyGame.int work?


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I've modded the Arc Thrower to have three shots instead of two... and it works fine (woohoo!), except that obviously changing the number of charges doesn't change the text onscreen when you research it for the first time: it still says "two shots per deployment".


So, I went in to XComStrategyGame.int (in the Localization/INT folder) and edited it (changed "two shots" to "three shots")... but I can't seem to get the change to appear in-game... it still says "two" when I researched the Arc Thrower!


Since editing XComGame.int works, at least for changing ranks and nicknames, I was a bit confused. Has anyone else edited XComStrategyGame.int game text and had the altered text appear in-game?

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I've tried it with no luck. One thing I'd suggest is trying to edit a different language file and changing the game language, maybe the game uses XComStrategyGame.int only when the language isn't "INT"? :confused:

Where would I find alternate language files? I only have an INT folder in Localization (which are english). I guess what confused me is why XComGame.int can be edited and work just fine, but not XComStrategyGame.int for some random reason! :(

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Just throwing it out there, but I noticed in the game log file that the engine references some stuff from the /DLC folder and their is also a copy of XComStrategyGame.INT in my *** /Documents/My Games/XCOM - Enemy Unknown/XComGame/Localization/INT folder. Could the DLC files or he second copy be where the variations are coming from?
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Got it to work! At least in the mission loading screen the old US of A is now called ASD :)

Copy Localization\INT and rename it DEU, then change Language=INT to DEU in DefaultEngine.ini


I have to test this later but I'm pretty confident we could change countrynames etc. like this :)


Two things: I also did this to My Games\XCOM\Localization so I don't know which one is read and haven't got the time to test now. Also, the game won't read saves made with different language :(


Just throwing it out there, but I noticed in the game log file that the engine references some stuff from the /DLC folder and their is also a copy of XComStrategyGame.INT in my *** /Documents/My Games/XCOM - Enemy Unknown/XComGame/Localization/INT folder. Could the DLC files or he second copy be where the variations are coming from?

I couldn't get this to work when language was INT, dunno if there's a workaround though :/

Edited by kayttaja
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Just throwing it out there, but I noticed in the game log file that the engine references some stuff from the /DLC folder and their is also a copy of XComStrategyGame.INT in my *** /Documents/My Games/XCOM - Enemy Unknown/XComGame/Localization/INT folder. Could the DLC files or he second copy be where the variations are coming from?

Good find!


I just tried editing THAT file instead of the one in the game directory and Australia is now called "Oz" on the Situation Room map when I start a new game! :)


Note that when I loaded a previous savegame, Australia was still "Australia", so it seems it only works for new games... but certainly better than nothing (and doesn't require changing languages, at least).

Edited by banjo_oz
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Good find!


I just tried editing THAT file instead of the one in the game directory and Australia is now called "Oz" on the Situation Room map when I start a new game! :)


Note that when I loaded a previous savegame, Australia was still "Australia", so it seems it only works for new games... but certainly better than nothing (and doesn't require changing languages, at least).

Are you f'ing kidding me?! I've tried that before but ofcourse didn't have the brains to start a new game :facepalm:


Thanks for this, it made my life a lot easier.

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