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Groundwater is not changing...


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Hey there,

working on a new worldspace and when i wanted to create a river by lowering the land, water appears.

default land height is 0

default water height is: -14000

default Lod water height is: -14000


I played around with the water heights, but the water is not changing, this means: I started with land heigth: 0 and def. water height: -100. Placed lots of s*** and mountains etc. and then i recognized, that the groundwater is too high. And even by lowering the def. water height value, in the CK it just stayed where it was.


Or does the water change then ingame but the CK does not show it right? Kinda frustrating atm.

Edited by UnknownX12
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I've been fiddling with a custom world myself. If I change the settings, I don't see the changes. If I change the settings, save the game, load an interior world, then jump back to the exterior I see the changes.


Lol wow, I will try this out tomorrow. Thx so much mate. Kudos for you.

Edited by UnknownX12
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