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Best updated F4 build guides 2019


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Hi, yay for me i just bought f4 goty on steam sale 70% off. unfortuantely i won't have my pc for a month or two and am looking for any great f4 guides and modlists to plan a setup.

i have been playing modded skyrim for a few years and understand a bit more than the basic's, my current SE setup is Full Yashed guide with Cathederal eveyrthing. as a base game and just use Unbound to R.P and do modded quests. this is what i want to do with f4.

Can anyone point me to the most updated Mod guides such as yashed or nordic for F4.

I played f4 and all dlc'c on console when it first came out and want to build a Roleplay setup to do the New Lands mods that have been done. i honestly can't be bothered sitting through 200 youtube mod list's to find the best mods. i have done it to death with skyrim.

i just want to setup and play. any idea's are appreciated.

Prefer to have things like.

Modern Armoury stuff.

impossible survival style with full Needs.

Snow / 'Frostfall' overhauls

Extremely dark and grimy atmosphere.

lethal enemies / everything can kill you and lots of them.

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