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Hotkey issues


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So I'm having an issue where hotkeys from various mods do not work. This includes mods using MCM and not. Such as when I press F8 place anywhere does nothing. Home does not bring up the menu for AAF. Steps I've taken are reinstallig the mods from fresh downloads, reinstalling MCM, and deleting my prefs ini. I'm at a loss. All other key oard functions work fine.
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When I encounter that, it's usually one of two problems


1) Some mod has decided that it's time to put me in the penalty box for some unknown crime against the mod authors morals

2) I've accidentally mapped a hotkey that I already mapped to someone else and in my haste just clicked "yeah do it like anywayz!" when the MCM issues me a fair warning (or on rarer occasion, a new mod comes with a pre-assigned hot key that interferes with my assignments)


SO... check your mod hotkey assignments. And if the first cause, well, that's life in this modern Utopian technocratic world. Malicious people gonna malicious.


One gummed up my mouse wheel for hours last night. None of my usual tricks would fix it. My other characters played just fine, and in this particular vector the mouse wheel worked fine in the MCM, but in game, nada, zilch, nothing. Nor the right and left click buttons. (although they missed M4... that still worked fine... I link it to tab) .

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