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Relationship Dialog Overhaul


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How are you using it? RDO was an oldRim mod ported over and there's things on the MCM that allowed you to change relationship status of NPC, as well as set them as followers or potential marriage partners.



I believe I installed it by rote when it was called out as a dependency for another mod, or maybe "just because" (which wouLd mean I saw it showcased in a video and thought "hey that's neat"). I don't think I've ever called on it directly to do anything. Thought all it was supposed to have done is edit some dialog lines and added others.... idk.


Push come shove, if that's what you need, Manipulator will do both of those for you. I think that's a LoversLab download though. (i'd post a link but am not sure if that's a violation of the ToS. I've read a few posts that make me more and more wary when I mention LL.


Fwiw, it might have lost its MCM interface during the porting effort.


In any case, I installed it a bit over 5 months ago and never saw any evidence of an MCM.


Do check out Manipulator if you can, that is, if you don't figure out the missing MCM thing.

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How are you using it? RDO was an oldRim mod ported over and there's things on the MCM that allowed you to change relationship status of NPC, as well as set them as followers or potential marriage partners.



I believe I installed it by rote when it was called out as a dependency for another mod, or maybe "just because" (which wouLd mean I saw it showcased in a video and thought "hey that's neat"). I don't think I've ever called on it directly to do anything. Thought all it was supposed to have done is edit some dialog lines and added others.... idk.


Push come shove, if that's what you need, Manipulator will do both of those for you. I think that's a LoversLab download though. (i'd post a link but am not sure if that's a violation of the ToS. I've read a few posts that make me more and more wary when I mention LL.


Fwiw, it might have lost its MCM interface during the porting effort.


In any case, I installed it a bit over 5 months ago and never saw any evidence of an MCM.


Do check out Manipulator if you can, that is, if you don't figure out the missing MCM thing.



I don't mess with lover's lab.... Every mod I've tried from that site never works for me. I know RDO is supposed to have an MCM because I've used it on oldRim before SE came out.

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As I noted, not everything always gets ported when a mod is moved to SSE (it appears from reading many ported mod descriptions and posts tab that some of those who are porting the mods only have limited skills and/or lack the tools to properly edit an LE mod fully. This may be one of those cases. However, I hope you find out and if so, let me know how to fix it.

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