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Tenacious D Guitar Sword


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Personally I, as a rock fan and fan of the D, would find it awesome if there was a sword like in the video here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8vqJJ68ykE&feature=related (@1:00)

It does not have to be in a guitar when sheated, but it would make it even more awesome (perhaps optional?)

it has to be 2H.

Preferably a stand alone.


Thanks to the person that will make this -hopefully- come true!

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Personally I, as a rock fan and fan of the D, would find it awesome if there was a sword like in the video here:

http://www.youtube.c...feature=related (@1:00)

It does not have to be in a guitar when sheated, but it would make it even more awesome (perhaps optional?)

it has to be 2H.

Preferably a stand alone.


Thanks to the person that will make this -hopefully- come true!


Hell it would be cool if someone added two bards...that where on a magic journey, on a long and dusty road........


...and they sung !!Tenacious D!! songs accoustically......and possibly the greatest song in the world..........tribute.... dot dotdot........

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