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The search for the Golden Horn.


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Setting: Warm, drizziling evening. Around 5.00pm. PCs start on the out skirts of Beonith. A densly populated town (although quite small in size) located in the great forest of Nahn. Below the Nahn there is a vast wasteland called Alctung. It is covered in volcanic crators and harsh desert. Mutated men and mur life in these surrondings. In the middle of the waste land is Dalsa Baleth or "City Dead". Here lies the treasure the PCs seek.


Quest: To find the legendary (of course) Golden Horn. Said to have the enchanted touch of Midias. For those who obtain the horn they shall know no poor life again.


And so it begins.......


As the drizzle of the rain continued to set in; the residents of Beonith started to wind down the days activities. Children were starting to go back into there houses and the men could be heard returning from a days work in the forest felling trees.


Do you want to hear a story? said an old man who seemed to appear from no where. I promise I won't take to much of your time.

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Yeah anyone can join. :D

Did you ever hear about the king called Midius. Well he was given this power that what ever he touched would turn in to gold. And so he thought that all his problems would be solved <been rich and all>. But every time he picked something up to eat it would turn to gold. When he touched his kids they turned into gold. In the end the power turned out to be a big curse. I think its in the bible :blink: :)

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