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The search for the Golden Horn.


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HeLLL ran to the gates of the city and stoped. He turned around and looked at Dalsa Baleth. The city was tumbling down. Buildings were falling were they stood. Dust and ash were exploding all around the city as the buildings hit the ground. HeLLL turned to the party.


Well friends I thank you for joining me on this journey. I doubt you will find any beasts on your travels back to the nearest town. It seems that the lich was responsible for the attacks on the villages and on us. Though we did not recover the horn a valuable lession can be learnt. Make sure the riches that you seek are the riches that you need. Once again thank you.


With that HeLLL is engulfed in flames and starts to head off into the distance. The lanscape around the party is changing. Instead of been volcanic and looking like a wasteland; before the partys eyes it is changing into rolling hills of green grass. Instantly flowers strat to grow and trees appear from no where. The hate and evil that the lich contained within himself had spread and suffercated the lanscape and the creatures that roam it.


The End.


<ooc Alright guys/gals I would like to thank you for paticapating in this RP. It was fun <for me> to play and I enjoyed it. Though there were a few um "moments" where things kind of got a bit distorted I am very happy of the end result. It was a joy RPing with you and hopefully I will RP with you very soon.




<ooc You can add your own ending <as in what your character does next> if you want to :)>

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