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Heartfire Huscarls - Gregor


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I was wondering if Gregor, the new Huscarl from the Pale (Dawnstar) is really a 2H warrior. He carries a greatsword but apparently UESPWiki & others list him as a 1H Warrior (class CombatWarrior1H).


I can't open the Hearthfire.esm with the CK. It crashes everytime I try. Language issue. Then, I can't edit this NPC and see his data. Could you please tell me his real setting and how to edit/change this without the CK?


btw I hope the CK & Hearthfire will be patched very soon so that non-english gamers can mod it. Those useless showcases are starting to annoy me. Seriously.


EDIT this post is in the wrong section. I don't know why or how; Please move it ;)

Edited by Didier47
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I was wondering if Gregor, the new Huscarl from the Pale (Dawnstar) is really a 2H warrior. He carries a greatsword but apparently UESPWiki & others list him as a 1H Warrior (class CombatWarrior1H).


I can't open the Hearthfire.esm with the CK. It crashes everytime I try. Language issue. Then, I can't edit this NPC and see his data. Could you please tell me his real setting and how to edit/change this without the CK?


btw I hope the CK & Hearthfire will be patched very soon so that non-english gamers can mod it. Those useless showcases are starting to annoy me. Seriously.


EDIT this post is in the wrong section. I don't know why or how; Please move it ;)


if i recall gregor is using a mace when i first met him. as for the showcase bug it's fixed by the unofficial hearthfire patch. as for generally changing a follower's combat style you need something like AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks)



Unofficial Hearthfire Patch


hope that helps

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Usually I mod followers using the CK it's really easy, but with those 3 new housecarls I can't open the heartfire.esm & therefore I can't mod them.


Basically, Gregor comes with a steel greatsword. I wonder why & how he had a mace when you met him first. Anyway, if someone can EDIT his stats, I just need to know if he's defined as a CombatWarrior1H or 2H.


I'll use the console for the rest ;) as I'm not a big fan of script-modifying mods. Actually that's just for fun & not to be too much alone, because who needs a follower over lvl 40? :P

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He is capable with twohanded weapons, but is better with onehanded. i checked his stats using aft.
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He is capable with twohanded weapons, but is better with onehanded. i checked his stats using aft.

That's what I thought & why he equips equivalent 1H weap. instead of the 2H. Since he was "released" w/ a GS Bethesda could have made the effort to reclassify him.


They did it w/ Rayya (falkreath's new huscarl) = she's a proper "dual wielder" w/ her 2 scimitars.


There's a patch coming up. Maybe he'll be fixed then, because there's already plenty "tanks" ingame - all TESV huscarls to begin with.


Thanks 4 the info anyway :)

Edited by Didier47
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