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"Un-stuck" Mod


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i don't know about you folks, but golly gosh I sure do enjoy fallout 3,

so much do I enjoy fallout 3 that I explore the game beyond the bounds

of recommended pathways, speed traveling and directional quests.


HOWEVER! I get stuck a lot, not mentally-stumped-stuck, like, between

two boulders and a fence stuck, or halfway between a chair and a wall

stuck. Something about this game tells me that Bethsoft did a lousy

job texturing their maps for the mobility of the player, it happens for

me atleast once every three hours. So, being that I know squat about

modding, I am here on this forum to request a fix for this, possibly a


"Delete button shifts character 3 feet to the left" MOD

or a

"Firing gun at the ground lifts you off it" MOD

or even a

"Don't have to reload autosaves to deconcrete your ass from a brick-wall" MOD

would be nice.


Thoughts? All contributions appreciated.

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Sorry if I'm tellin ya somethin you already know, though if you go into the console (pressing the ~) I believe you can press tcl, which stands for "toggle collision," at that point you can "float" through anything. You can then just re-position yourself, press ~ for the console again, and re-type tcl to toggle it off.


A temporary solution at least. :smile:

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oh! Indeed, and thank you for your input, unfortunately however

I am running Vista and the tilde console is unavailable to me,

For those of you who would reply to this with "But CeremonyOfOpposites,

you can do one of the following things to correct the lack of a console





But thank you nevertheless. Many platonic man-hugs to ye all.

Mod anyone?

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If only! I REBUKE THEE. Tried, sorry and thanks friends, it's not a resolution

problem and I'm not so silly as to not have attempted to input "tilde" "console command" "tilde"

assuming that maybe it was. But it isn't. There simply is and very plainly is no

console available to my humble self. The tilde key on my computer does not interrupt

gameplay in any manner. nor does commanding a seemingly out of view console after

pressing the tilde key come to any fruition for me. Once more could we focus on the

Mod request, perhaps? Many thousands of thankees.

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