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Mod Help Please!


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K i am new to this whole modding thing, and i have no idea how to get a mod that i download off this site to work with fallout 3. Does it need to be saved to a specific place? Do i need to open it somehow? I have been looking but i cant find anything that gives me like a step by step way of doing it. Any help is much appreciated. thanks!
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I assume that you at least know how to manipulate files in your computer... (if not then learn that first)


Download the Mod to a convenient place (desktop is fine)

Open the "Data" folder of your Fallout installation

Should be:

C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\

Drag the Mod archive (zp or rar) to that Data folder.

Right click on it and select "Extract Here.." option.


Now go to "My Documents" folder and open "My Games\Fallout 3"

Look for the file FALLOUT.INI

Open it in Notepad

go to the top menu "Edit.. Replace" (or Ctrl H )

find bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 and replace with bInvalidateOlderFiles=1

it is towards the end in the [Archives] section

Save and exit.

You only need to do this once for the first mod you install.


This is all for Windows XP

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