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Elegant female clothing


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I would like to request pretty elegant feminine clothing that is not completely slutty. Everything I find is either ugly as sin or slutty as hell and i would like to find a happy medium. I don't mind a little cleavage just not completely skimpy. I use the huntress mod and love it but would like a pretty dress or robe for visiting the palace and such.


thank you

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Here's three I personally feel are beautiful....you may like them....I play a male Dovahkin and use two of these as both are uni-sex....the third is female only....I use a male body mod and a female mod and have no clipping issues....:


'Elaborate Textiles - NPC Clothing Retexture:




'DreamBurrows Regal Assassin Armor' (stand alone) :




'DreamBurrows Imperial Investigator' (stand alone) :



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