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Music mutes when the game pauses?


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Hey there!


So, I guess I'll get strait to the point.


So I installed a few mods (I'll post a list at the end of the post) and booted up my Fallout 3 for my gaming pleasure. However, now whenever I go to talk to an NPC, my radio music mutes and all I can hear is the person talking. This is kind of annoying because when I leave the discussion instance, I notice that the song had been playing all along, I just couldn't hear it.


The same thing happens when I pause the game via the escape (Esc) key.


So here are the mods I installed when I noticed the problems


*Via Mod Manager


-No Invisible Walls

-Sunglasses Collection


That's it, anyone know how to fix this issue?



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I think this happens even if you don't have mods. I have the same problem too. im gonna look into it. :thumbsup:

Well, let me know if you find anything interesting friend. I guess I'll just have to stick with my Fallout: New Vegas for the time being.

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