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Regaining Countries You've Lost


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In the old game, they sided with the aliens. In the new game, countries just drop out and try to go it alone. It would make sense that a country that had sold out to the aliens wouldn't be able to come back, but a country that opts to defend itself might come back if it was in its best interest to do so. Rather than having a lost nation simply "removed from the game board", it would be great if the aliens would still go after them, and if you worked your ass off to save theirs, maybe they would see the light and come back into the fold. Could it be done?


I would like to see it balanced somehow, so that it's still bad to lose a country, and getting them back wouldn't make the game a great deal easier.


Also, the red swirls over lost nations on the map just look atrocious (to me)... It would be nice to see this modded, if it's even possible.

Edited by XCalm
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+1 on the swirls, they make me feel it is an alien tornado or something like this.

As far as countries are concerned, if you fail enough to have the council disband, the video shows the guy speaking mind-controlled by aliens. This explains why countries lost are not coming back. But still even if it does not make too much sense I would like to get back countries. There was one awkward game where I did really well for the most part, but lost India and the dominoes started falling till right after the Alien Base mission I had no soldiers in a good health (all wounded) and could not do an abduction mission that popped, which made 3 countries leave and oh, well you know the rest... :(

So yeah this is a top priority especially for Classic rebalancing and Marathon games, if you really like battles and want to have a way to prolong the gaming experience!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the old game, they sided with the aliens. In the new game, countries just drop out and try to go it alone.


How's that workin' out for them... keep an eye on the news ticker in the Situation Room. It doesn't end well for those countries.

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  • 1 month later...
I would really like to see this become possible, a base assault or two in the country you lost to get it back at 4 boxes panic level. Would be nice if you just wanted to keep the game going forever.
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