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My Pipe rifle(and much much more) request


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Hi everyone, this is the thread where I official show how little I know about modding by requesting things that may or may not be possible. I would love to see the following changes made to fallout 3, and would forever be thankful of anyone that did them(or tell me how to make the changes that dont reqire new models/animations) :D


Weapon Changes:

-Add the pipe rifle as a long rifle style weapon that fits between the bb gun and the

hunting rifle. It would use the .32 ammo and have a damage 15, single shot before reload. Ideally it would get a new model very similiar to a single barrel breach loading shot gun in design, and use the

sawed off shotgun animation, or if too difficult maybe reskin the lincoln repeater model and use its animation.

-Tweak the hunting rifle to use either the 5.56 round or the .308 round reskin the hunting

rifle to not be held together with tape.

-rebalanced the 1st 3 pistols as follows:

10mm dam=11

chinese pistol damage =13

.32 revolver damage = 15

-Add a psitol that uses 5.56 ammo

-Add a tommy gun, uzi, scorpion, grease gun, and desert eagle

-Add a pump action shot gun for in between the sawed off shotgun and the combat shotgun

-Replace the model for the combat shotgun with a model based on the pancor jackhammer

-Change the assault rifle to be 41 dam

-Change the Chinese assault rifle to be 38 dam and 30 clip instead of 24


Armor changes:

-Make Leather Armor and Metal Armor much more common, and combat armor of all types rarer.

-Treat metal armor like the pinacle of raider armor technology and have raiders frequently

wearing it, especially if they have a short range weapon like a shotgun, 10mm smg, flamer

-Change leather armor to DR 18

-add shields for 1 handed weapons, example would be riot shields(plastic, and metal),

old garbage can lids, etc and give riot shields to vault tec security

-Tweak all power armor so that it is weightless while wearing it

-Tweak ranger combat armor to DR 30

-Make it so that all merc armor is cross repairable like raider armor


Misc Changes:

-make the level cap 30, change the skills per level to 5 + int(instead of 10+int),

when you gain perks to be every even level, and lower the experience gained from

lockpicking and hacking to 5(very easy),10(easy),15(Average),20(hard),25(very hard)

-Remove intense training perk

-Change the work bench to let you repair gear up to 50% without having other copies of the


-Add a higher level perk that turns you into a ghoul

-Add a place where you can get surgery to raise each stat by +1 total

-add the drunken master perk


Thats it for now, I have no idea whats possible but I like to throw out ideas, and would really really like to see the pipe rifle return :D

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I agree with all these with the exception of the last 3 misc changes, also the 556 pistol (.223 rem from the original) is a must, and the ol' fn fal and the gauss pistol and rifle ,was also thinking maybe some old firearms added in ie "grandads" m1 garand, or under/over hunting rifle and maybe a pistol crossbow ,crossbow or combound bow (obviously would need a new ammo type for a few of these), but till we get a CS most of this is just day dreams.

Another post elsewhere exspressed interest in weapon mods silencers expandedclips scopes etc (ala STALKER) would be another nice one.

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