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Enemy archers do ridiculous damage and other stuff


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Hey guys


Ever since i've modded Skyrim enemy arrows do a crazy amount of damage, as in they do more damage then anything in the game. I have approximately 400 health and i get 2 shotted from average simple guards using bows, however i can take maybe 5 or 6 hits from a melee weapon. Before i used mods i never had this problem. Also enemies such as dragur deathlords using melee weapons do crazy large damage, not just with bows. It seems that sometimes its not just the arrows but also their weapons. I find guards do the most compared to other enemies such as bandits with melee weapons however bows seem to do the most.


Also i find some enemies have more health then armies but have the same ranking (I've had Skyrim for a month so this may be a bit incorrect). For example 1 shot general dragur with a 86 damage daedric sword but a dragur deathlord will take nearly 20 hits. This also ties in with my damage problem as it seems some enemies are just way more stronger and tougher then others. The link doesn't make any sense,


Anyway, i hope i have explained this well and the message gets through. I guess if i were to summarise it i would say that some enemies are more stronger, do more damage and have more health than others, but the step up between these values is crazy high. I go from 10 shots from a normal bandit to 2 shots from a town guard.


Heres a list of all my mods currently, i've tried some of the ones such as PISE and archery tweaks as their what i intially thought would be the problem, but alas they were not. Also finally i added the following lines into my ini files, they says they fix accuracy as i found arrows didnt go where my crosshair was.





Would these have anything to do with damage?







I really hope someone can help here as ive never seen this problem or any message board, which is why im posting here. I also hope ive followed forum rules and posted this in the right section, as really this is a problem which i felt was neccesary to inquire about.

Edited by Goliath123
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same boat with ya. Master difficulty and have 310 health at level 66 right now and a single elven arrow from bandit marauder can almost waste me up. The deathlords also can very deadly, hated it if they Fus me down and started to knock me with those Ebony arrow, thats why i always play hide and seek with them.


so yes i believe they can be overkill enough especially the one with bow. But i admit sometimes they can be very challenging which is fun but can also quite annoying coz i always try to level my weapons when deals with them (sword with sword, spell with spell). Sometimes i even checked their level and definitely not even close with my level but why the heck they can so overkill. believe me or not i dont using any of mods altering/changing of enemy levelling or even combat skill so my best guess it comes from default/vanilla levelling systems for high level enemy of Bandit and Draugr.

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  • 2 months later...

Oldish topic, but relevant to the same issue I have. I'm playing on Expert and archers seem to kill me in 2 hits, regardless of my level.


Looking through your list of mods, the only one which stands out that we both have and is combat orientated is "Duel - Combat Realism". Your's is deactivated though, however, I wonder if it made edits to an ini file some place, and because you've just deactivated it and not un-installed it, the damage still stays the same.


If you are still having issues, try uninstalling the mod. I'll be testing the same next time I encounter and OP archer. It wouldn't be so bad if Shields were any use against archers in game, but they aren't, but they are tiny.

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