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To all realtor agents of Skyrim! Wanted: Tropical Island resort


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To all realtor agents of Skyrim!


Looking for a nice and warm Island Resort where me and my many companions can relax and prepare for more battle in cold Skyrim.

The island should be reachable by boat from any docks in Skyrim (for example Solitude). The climate should be different from Skyrim, warm and tropical. There might be a small island close to Summerset Islands that is for sale?

The home itself should be beautifully placed, surrounded by palm trees, on a nice white beach with crystal blue water to swim in.

The resort should be able to accomodate at least 10 people at a time, and include such as dinner hall, dormitory, beach bar, alchemist, smithing and enchanting facilites.


If you know of such a place or if you can take the contract of building one, please let me know. We are very interested!


P.S. Dangerous creatures and/or hostiles (such as pirates) is not an issue. We are more than capable of defending ourselves.

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