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Illegal hunting in Skyrim


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Hello everyone, I would like to propose the idea of a new immersive mod : the illegal hunting in Skyrim.

- For instance, a hunting license should be obtained in each Hold to gain the authorization to hunt legally on the Hold territory. Having it is compulsory to sell primal animal ressources to merchants at the normal price and to access secundary quests that demand to kill wild animals.

- If you don't have this license, you have to sell your products on the Black Market : you have to corrupt merchants for them to buy your products, but there is a chance they call the guards to arrest you. If you are caught by a guard in the middle of this illegal transaction, you'll be arrested.

- You can buy and obtain in game different kinds of traps to trap different kinds of animals (rabbits, foxes, wolves, deers, even bears or smilondons, traps for fishes as well). There is a random chance to trap an animal, depending of the location and the kind of trap. You have to wait 12 hours before getting a result.

- If you don't have a license, other hunters will attack you if they see you hunt or putting traps in the wild.


It's a simple idea, what do you guys think about it ?

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