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Mlox mca-tr addon issue


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So far as I see, the current version of MCA doesn't add npcs to TR version 3.


It has a data file called "MCA - TR Addon.esp", but it requires "TR_Map1.esm" and "TR_Map2.esm". However, the new version of TR comes with a "TR_Mainland.esm" instead. Can someone help me?


mlox keeps showing the error that it requires map1 and map2 and I am using the updated mca-tr addon and keeps popping this error so what can I do!

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  • 3 years later...

I've run into the same problem. I have just ignored the error (still present in the latest Mlox text update). The game with over 200 mods works well.

Sorry for the slow answer, but I just saw your question posted through a G search.

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