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Mushrooms of Skyrim


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I always found the world of Skyrim was lacking of mushrooms... and the only 2 interesting mods about them are one retexture mod and one about Psilocybin mushrooms...


So I would imagine a mod adding implementing 40-50 real life and lore-friendly mushrooms. They could be harvest for food (new recipes), potions and of course poisons for the toxic ones.

Here are some ideas of the mushrooms I would like to be implemented :


Toxic ones :
- Amanita phalloides

- Galerina marginata

- Rubroboletus satanas

- Armillaria mellea

- Scleroderma citrinum

- Amanita rubescens


Edible ones :

- Boletus pinophilus

- Craterellus tubaeformis

- Macrolepiota procera

- Pleurotus ostreatus

- Lactarius lignyotus

- Tuber melanosporum

- Craterellus cornucopioides

- Amanita caesarea

- Cantharellus cibarius

- Coprinus comatus

- Polyozellus multiplex

- Calvatia gigantea

- Morchella conica

- Laccaria amethystina

- Sparassis crispa

- Otidea onotica


What would you think about that ?

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