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is it possible to be both vampire and dawnguard with the console comma


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because i want to side with the vampires but at the end of the quest line (without doing the side quest to kill the dawnguard) type in some console commands and still be able to do the dawnguard side quests while still being a vampire lord and still able to do the vampire side quests (because other than the 'kill the dawnguard' quest none of them conflict)


reason why i ask if this is possible is because i think it is pretty stupid how the dawnguard automatically kill you because you dont report back to base right away and considering they dont know about vampires like the ones in volkihar why shouldnt i be able to 'play' both side of the same coin?


i think it would have something to do with the faction commands but as i dont have a save right now with the vampire side completed i am unable to test it my self


(side note: i apologize if i posted this in the wrong forum location, i just thought this would be the right place considering im asking about console commands and the sticky is referencing them)

Edited by sarid
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I doubt that this could be done via the console. The problem would be faction relations... I haven't checked, but I would assume that the Dawnguard faction and the Volikhar faction are set as enemies of each other. In other words, you could add yourself to both factions, but the likely result would be that both sides would start attacking you on sight.


However, you could alter their faction relations in the CK. There might be some unintended consequences, though.

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hmm good point, might be just easier to alter the dawnguard so that they will still offer quests if you are a vamp


thanks for the input ill have to try that out when i am able to download again (yay for internet caps)

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