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Devil May Cry 5

A mod that makes Balrog won't disappear? Like Beowolf in DMC3?


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I remember in DMC3, as long as Beowolf is equiped in shop, Dante will be always wearing it inside the mission, welther it's your corrent attack weapon or not. Could someone do the same to Balrog in DMC5?

Does anyone think it's cool? Seeing Dante slashing around with Rebellion & DSD with burning barlog on him? Especally now the DSD has cool appear&disappear effects, it makes the weapon switching looks even smoother and more immersive...

On the other hand, it will also makes u easier to know if the Balrog is still lighten or not, if it is in fist mode or kicking mode. So the combo comes smoother as well. Too bad I'm not a modmaker, So could someone make this idea happen?

Edited by FootFreeBird
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