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CTD on load, can't seem to make since of it.


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EDIT: Really, I can't change my thread title? Thread is recycle, since I'm really just having the same issue. Please ignore all posts in this thread on the firs two pages


Alright, My game keeps CTDing on load, I've tried everything, and occasionally randomly stops and lets me play the game normally, but I can exit the game and launch it again and it will CTD on load every single time. This happens with every save file, and if I try and start a new game, I am just left staring at the skyrim logo forever.


I took this screenshot of an error message I SOMETIMES get. click here


I honestly have NO IDEA what is going on. BOSS says everything is in order, I removed around 20 mods from my load order. It was working just fine with about 3 less mods then I had when it started messing up, so number of mods isn't the problem... I run SKSE, and Steam, so I have to use the 'work around' where I rename "SKSE LAUNCHER" to "TESV" and "TESV" to "TES_" I've tried replacing the SKSE launcher in case it was the problem. It wasn't.


EDIT: Running TES5EDIT says that 'open cities - no gates' needs to be loaded after 'open cities', then crashes, yet both NMM and BOSS say that it is in fact load after the main file... very confusing.


The only thing I can figure out is, the issue seems to happen when I activate new ESPs. I can deactivate the same ESP and it persists, and even if I have had the ESP activate before and turned it off it still does it. This may not be the case, but that is the ONLY link I can make, since most of the time this happens when I exit the game, activate an ESP, and try to reload the game. I thought maybe the file 'ASX_Spells' was doing it, since every time I try and activate it I have issues, but deactivating the ESP has zero effect whatsoever. I did have 'AP' installed, but I decided to replace it with this mod and attempted a manual uninstall, but I am not 100% sure I did it correctly.


This is my list of pluggins, as ordered by BOSS.



Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 50 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Dawnguard.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 591 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

HearthFires.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 163 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

SkyMoMod.esm Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Nchuzzrezar.esm Active

ApachiiHair.esm Active

RaceCompatibility.esm Active

HighResTexturePack01.esp Active

HighResTexturePack02.esp Active

Vampire Eyes Fix.esp Active

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Active

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active

Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active

Rainbows.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

BabettesFeastOverpowered.esp Active

Cannabis.esp Active

Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active

CookingExpanded.esp Active

humans drop human parts.esp Active

Legs.esp Active

sextoys-calyps-2.esp Active

SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Note: Obsolete only if using the original mod. Update to latest version.

SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp Active

Tiny.esp Active

iHUD.esp Active

Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp Active

battleflute.esp Active

1nivWICCloaks.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

DwarvenMech.esp Active

DwarvenRifle_Guilmonex.esp Active

DwemerAutoBlade.esp Active

DwarvenPowerArmor.esp Active

FlameAtronachArmor.esp Active

Futanarium.esp Active

hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

LB_EnemiesEssplode!.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - Revolver.esp Active

Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - LawnMover.esp Active

Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp Active

SuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.esp Active

DeadlyDragons.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active

Aethernautics.esp Active

Nchuzzrezar.esp Active

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6+

dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

Vile Art of Necromancy.esp Active

Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

Open Cities Skyrim -- No Gates.esp Active

TRO_BasicNeeds.esp Active

CookingExpanded - TRO_BN.esp Active

Better Vampires.esp Active

AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active

ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Active

ToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.esp Active

Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

ASX_Spells.esp Active

midasskyrim.esp Active

Improved Dragon Shouts.esp Active

BFSEffects.esp Active


The Dance of Death.esp Active

Locational Damage.esp Active

SkyRe_Main.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}

Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

Warning: The SkyRe has many conflicts with other mods. Please read the readme before playing with mod. This will prevent many problems. Read it here.

Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functional

Note: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'

Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.

Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:

Note: [Actor]

Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000

Note: [Combat]

Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0

Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0

SkyRe_Combat.esp Active

SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Active

SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active

SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

SkyRe_StandingStones.esp Active

dagi_raht_race.esp Active

OhmesRaht.esp Active

SphereBox.esp Active

moveitLWT.esp Active

throwingweapons.esp Active

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+


SkyRe_Races.esp Active

rcrnShaders.esp Active

Note: Make sure you have bEnableFileSelection=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher].

Purewaters.esp Active

PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp Active

Lady of Death.esp Active

Burning Sky.esp Active

Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp Active

treehouse2.0BETA.esp Active

KMM_2-1a.esp Active

Skyhighrim.esp Active

DwarvenArmy.esp Active

DBset.esp Active

PurewatersDG.esp Active

PocketProtectors.esp Active

PsilocybinMushrooms.esp Active



Edited by ArtMurder
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Alright, I downloaded a few mods today and installed, I started up my character with out activating them(I forgot to), and it worked fine, I saved, exited skyrim out, activated the mods, now I get CTD on load. I tried disabling all those same mods, and I still get CTD on load, I tried reinstalling all those same mods, still get a CTD on load, tried uninstalling all those same mods, still getting a CTD on load. It's for every character as well, no matter what I do, CTD on load.


The mods "Vampiric eyes fix" "female vampires have fangs" "dawnguard vampire armors cbbev3" "vanilla vampire and dirty face fix" and "burning skies"


I'm not sure how to copy my L/O with NMM, I have 116 mods, so I'm not about to type out every single one of them. The only other vampire based mod I use is "better vampires", I am assuming one of the vampire mods is doing it, since simply unticking the 'burning skies' mod should do the trick if it was the problem causer.



You have way too many mods active. There's a limit to how many ESP's Skyrim can handle at one time.


My advice would be to do a reinstall and limit the amount of mods you use to 60.


Otherwise, you're probably going to spend the next few days playing Mod detective To try and get your game working again.But you've pretty much screwed the pooch on this one.

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Alright, I downloaded a few mods today and installed, I started up my character with out activating them(I forgot to), and it worked fine, I saved, exited skyrim out, activated the mods, now I get CTD on load. I tried disabling all those same mods, and I still get CTD on load, I tried reinstalling all those same mods, still get a CTD on load, tried uninstalling all those same mods, still getting a CTD on load. It's for every character as well, no matter what I do, CTD on load.


The mods "Vampiric eyes fix" "female vampires have fangs" "dawnguard vampire armors cbbev3" "vanilla vampire and dirty face fix" and "burning skies"


I'm not sure how to copy my L/O with NMM, I have 116 mods, so I'm not about to type out every single one of them. The only other vampire based mod I use is "better vampires", I am assuming one of the vampire mods is doing it, since simply unticking the 'burning skies' mod should do the trick if it was the problem causer.



You have way too many mods active. There's a limit to how many ESP's Skyrim can handle at one time.


My advice would be to do a reinstall and limit the amount of mods you use to 60.


Otherwise, you're probably going to spend the next few days playing Mod detective To try and get your game working again.But you've pretty much screwed the pooch on this one.

Well, considering my game worked flawlessly yesterday with 2 less ESPs installed, I'm going to wait for some more useful and relevant advice. I've seen people with over 200 mods installed that work just fine. 60 is an almost insanely low number, 2 of my mods alone add over 20 ESPs to my L/O.


Also, only 2 of the mods I installed had ESPs, and I tried deactivating 5-6 ESPs and same CTD, it is in no way relevant to the number of mods, and I've put a lot of effort into picking the mods I like to just spend days of effort to undo half of the past week or so effort I have put into my mods for a 'fix'. That would be like, if my car was out of gas, for me to scrap it build a more fuel efficient car from the ground up. The much more reasonable and realistic response would be to refuel the car.


Anyways, my point being I am more then fairly certain the addition of two ESPs wouldn't cause my entire game to refuse to load even when more the triple that amount of ESPs is removed from my L/O, and since my game worked perfectly fine before the instillation of these mods, my common sense tells me THE MODS I JUST INSTALLED are the problem, and not some imaginary mod cap I hit that continues to disable my game even after I drop the mod total lower then it was to begin with. And I don't have to play 'mod detective' since I know exactly which mods caused the problem, manymanymanymanymany mods don't uninstall correctly and leave baggage in the data folder when uninstalled (since I don't use NMM, since over half the time it refuses to continue downloading mods after 99% ) all I need is someone with a little experience in these mods to direct me towards what I'm sure is a simple fix, rather then spending hours upon hours undoing my hard work for basically no reason.

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You could start with posting your BOSS log.


...you are running BOSS with that many mods installed, aren't you?

Yes, I am running BOSS.


I didn't think about posting the BOSS list though for some reason.




Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 50 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Dawnguard.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 591 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

HearthFires.esm Active

Contains dirty edits: 163 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

Requires: Skyrim 1.7.7+

SkyMoMod.esm Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide)

WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm Active

moonpath.esm Active

Nchuzzrezar.esm Active

ApachiiHair.esm Active

RaceCompatibility.esm Active

HighResTexturePack01.esp Active

HighResTexturePack02.esp Active

Vampire Eyes Fix.esp Active

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard.

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active

Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active

Rainbows.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Arachne.esp Active

BabettesFeastOverpowered.esp Active

BonesTheDracolich.esp Active

Cannabis.esp Active

Chau.esp Active

Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active

CookingExpanded.esp Active

DragonChristine.esp Active

Dwemer Certified.esp Active

humans drop human parts.esp Active

Icy.esp Active

Legs.esp Active

Mononoke.esp Active

Moose&Carrie.esp Active

sextoys-calyps-2.esp Active

SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Note: Obsolete only if using the original mod. Update to latest version.

SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp Active

The Bears.esp Active

Tiny.esp Active

iHUD.esp Active

Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp Active

battleflute.esp Active

1nivWICCloaks.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Dwarven Condenser.esp Active

DwarvenMech.esp Active

DwarvenRifle_Guilmonex.esp Active

DwemerAutoBlade.esp Active

DwarvenPowerArmor.esp Active

FlameAtronachArmor.esp Active


Futanarium.esp Active

hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

LB_EnemiesEssplode!.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - Revolver.esp Active

Mechanos Dwemer SteamPunk - LawnMover.esp Active

Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp Active

SuccubusCBBE3GiftByNausicaa.esp Active

DeadlyDragons.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active

Aethernautics.esp Active

DwemerTower.esp Active

moonpath_questdata.esp Active

Nchuzzrezar.esp Active

Dwarvenhaven.esp Active

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

Skooma Incorporated.esp Active

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6+

dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp

Vile Art of Necromancy.esp Active

Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

Open Cities Skyrim -- No Gates.esp Active

TRO_BasicNeeds.esp Active

CookingExpanded - TRO_BN.esp Active

Better Vampires.esp Active

AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active

ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Active

ToL_SKSE_by_Brevi.esp Active

Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+


midasskyrim.esp Active

Improved Dragon Shouts.esp Active

BFSEffects.esp Active

FNISspells.esp Active

Sneak Tools.esp

Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp.

Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp

Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp

The Dance of Death.esp Active

Locational Damage.esp Active

SkyRe_Main.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}

Requires: SKSE 1.5.11+

Warning: The SkyRe has many conflicts with other mods. Please read the readme before playing with mod. This will prevent many problems. Read it here.

Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functional

Note: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'

Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.

Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:

Note: [Actor]

Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000

Note: [Combat]

Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64

Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0

Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0

SkyRe_Combat.esp Active

SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Active

SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active

SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

SkyRe_StandingStones.esp Active

dagi_raht_race.esp Active

OhmesRaht.esp Active

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.5.24+

Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page.

UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp Active

SphereBox.esp Active

moveitLWT.esp Active

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Active

Requires: Skyrim 1.6.89+

PrettyKhajiit.esp Active

GlowingEyeFix.esp Active

SkyRe_Races.esp Active

rcrnShaders.esp Active

Note: Make sure you have bEnableFileSelection=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher].

Purewaters.esp Active

PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp Active

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Elder Race.esp Active



Burning Sky.esp Active

Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp Active

JokeMOD-UFO2-TSS.esp Active

Spriggan Armor 2.esp Active

treehouse2.0BETA.esp Active

KMM_2-1a.esp Active

Skyhighrim.esp Active

LZA Khajiit Campsite.esp Active

DwarvenArmy.esp Active

Portal.esp Active

DBset.esp Active

PurewatersDG.esp Active

PocketProtectors.esp Active

PsilocybinMushrooms.esp Active



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If you are using any mods that require Dawnguard or Hearthfires, make sure that you always have DG and HF active otherwise you'll get instant CTD at the main menu.


Make sure Skyrim is up to date with the latest patch, and that ALL your mods support the latest patch, otherwise you may get CTD at main menu.


Since it is probably one or more of the new mods that you installed that is the culprit, uninstall all of those new mods including any loose files they had. If any of these newer mods overwrote files that were added by your older mods, you must identify and reinstall the older mods that were affected. Otherwise the missing files could cause CTDs.


If you still get CTD, try loading your last savegame made before those new mods were installed. I don't mean the savegame that you made with the new esp's installed but not activated, I mean the one you made before that.

Edited by steve40
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"Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard."


...probably a good idea to add the UDP.


dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp


...you should not run both.


"Sneak Tools.esp

Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp."




You know, you should not just run BOSS, you should act on the messages.



I have no idea if all of these mods will play nice with Hearthfire, being that it's pretty new and all.


I never had much luck running warzones + tons of other mods, myself. Lots of CTDs for me. For that matter, open cities usually ended in tears for me.


I have no idea if your SkyRe load order is correct.Or if all the OTHER mods have compatibility plugins, I don't recall. Check the mod pages to see if there are skyRe patches.


...and finally, is your Skyrim up to date? What version?

Edited by acidzebra
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"Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard."


...probably a good idea to add the UDP.


dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active

Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp


...you should not run both.


"Sneak Tools.esp

Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp."




You know, you should not just run BOSS, you should act on the messages.



I have no idea if all of these mods will play nice with Hearthfire, being that it's pretty new and all.


I never had much luck running warzones + tons of other mods, myself. Lots of CTDs for me. For that matter, open cities usually ended in tears for me.


I have no idea if your SkyRe load order is correct.

I actually just notice the first problem as I was copying the list here, Which of the the second two should I remove?


Also, that mod has been disabled since I first saw that, it still shows up because boss still registers disabled ESPs.


Also, I disabled warzones some time ago, it is very glitchy and makes me CTD about half the time I enter one of the warzones. (which is odd, because there is no FPS drop, it stays at 60-90, then just sudden CTD)

Edited by ArtMurder
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If you are using any mods that require Dawnguard or Hearthfires, make sure that you always have DG and HF active otherwise you'll get instant CTD at the main menu.


Make sure Skyrim is up to date with the latest patch, and that ALL your mods support the latest patch, otherwise you may get CTD at main menu.


Since it is probably one or more of the new mods that you installed that is the culprit, uninstall all of those new mods including any loose files they had. If any of these newer mods overwrote files that were added by your older mods, you must identify and reinstall the older mods that were affected. Otherwise the missing files could cause CTDs.


If you still get CTD, try loading your last savegame made before those new mods were installed. I don't mean the savegame that you made with the new esp's installed but not activated, I mean the one you made before that.

I have dawnguard and heartfire, and I never deactive them


and skyrim is patched at 1.7.7 I believe that is the most update to date version, none of the mods I downlaoded required a newer version.


It CTDs on the load of ANY save, even ones made days ago. It always CTDs at the end of the load screen (It usually takes about 3 seconds to load, and it usually takes about 3 seconds for it to CTD) it doesn't lag or drop FPS or anything, it just flickers and skyim goes away entirely.

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