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CTD on load, can't seem to make since of it.


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Alright, all I did was install the unofficial dawnguard patch, disable the dawnguard patch for DB, and deactivate warzones (which somehow turned back on) and my game appears to be working again.


I think the issue was probably in warzones, since I have no idea when it turned itself back on. Seriously, how does that even happen?

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I took this screenshot of an error message I SOMETIMES get. click here


Ah, I see.


Look in your "<drive>:\users\<username>\appdata\local\skyrim" folder for a text file called "plugins.txt" (or maybe it is "plugins" without an extension). Note: you will need to set your Explorer options to show hidden files and folders. Now, make sure that "Skyrim.esm" isn't in there TWICE. If it is, delete one of them. That should fix that problem and hopefully stop your CTDs.


This issue is generally caused by a combination of NMM+BOSS, so it may be worth keeping an eye on your plugins.txt file whenever you use NMM to install mods.

Edited by steve40
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I took this screenshot of an error message I SOMETIMES get. click here


Ah, I see.


Look in your "<drive>:\users\<username>\appdata\local\skyrim" folder for a text file called "plugins.txt" (or maybe it is "plugins" without an extension). Note: you will need to set your Explorer options to show hidden files and folders. Now, make sure that "Skyrim.esm" isn't in there TWICE. If it is, delete one of them. That should fix that problem and hopefully stop your CTDs.


This issue is generally caused by a combination of NMM+BOSS, so it may be worth keeping an eye on your plugins.txt file whenever you use NMM to install mods.

*sigh* that sounds like it might help, but when I tried to 'show hidden files' because the 'appadata' folder didn't appear, it made nearly every single file on my computer disappear, and I can't seem to find out how to undo it, I've been searching google for like an hour now. >.<


EDIT: Alright, I kinda fixed the problem, all those files are back, but transparent. ANYWAYS. Skyrim.esm WAS in the location you described TWICE. I'm going to try restarting skyrim now to see if that fixes the problem.

Edited by ArtMurder
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So what's the verdict? :cool:

Seems to have fixed the issue. I've exited and relaunched the game a few times, and from what I can tell, you've solved my problem for me!


Though all my icons are still partly transparent, accept for new ones I've placed. That's my own fault though. xP

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Cool :thumbsup:


Hidden files will always appear partially transparent when they are unhidden. Just set Explorer to hide them again if it bugs you.


Tools->Folder Options...->View TAB->"Hide protected operating system files"

Tools->Folder Options...->View TAB->"Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives"


I hope you didn't right-click your folders and click the "Hidden" checkbox, that would make all the files hidden - which might be why they all disappeared or became transparent!



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