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Forcegreet. NPC not delivering line.


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Doesn't work for me. In fact in Packages I don'r see Forcegreet anymore just ForcegreetFromSitting and ForcegreetWaitSitting. I must have really messed up the Forcegreet Package as it appears when I start CK and don't have my mod as Active. What can I do?

Edited by antstubell
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If you're going to mess with vanilla AI packages and plan to release a mod - don't (unless you actually want to change all actors but it doesn't sound like it). Make a copy of the package, then modify that. That package has 302 users, all of whom will be affected by your changes. Just FYI.


If you're just messing about (and I do love me some messing about), open your mod with either TESVgecko or tes5edit and remove the offending record(s).

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If you're going to mess with vanilla AI packages and plan to release a mod - don't (unless you actually want to change all actors but it doesn't sound like it). Make a copy of the package, then modify that. That package has 302 users, all of whom will be affected by your changes. Just FYI.


If you're just messing about (and I do love me some messing about), open your mod with either TESVgecko or tes5edit and remove the offending record(s).

Problem is when I run Tes5edit I get this error...

"Exception: "Dawnguard.esm" requires master "Skyrim.esm" to be loaded before it.>"

Skyrim.esm doesn't appear in my Data Load Files. The first 2 entries are the HighRes Packs then DG then rest of mods.

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Assuming you're running a legal copy, I'd try verifying my game and/or reinstalling it, because that's not good. And/or try tesvgecko.

Game is legit, I just verified files again, Skyrim downloaded 0bytes/0bytes still no Skyrim.esm in Data Files.

If I have to and it looks like I will do a complete fresh install how do I preserve my mod with all its scripts, retextures, dialouge, etc? Can I upload what I have to Steam Workshop and download it back from there?


EDIT: I just checked Skyrim on my other PC it is 100% mod free, never used CK on that machine and no Skyrim.esm appears there either. All I have is in this order HighRes, HighRes, Dawnguard and Hearthfire.

Edited by antstubell
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I've never borked my game to that point, but for the mod, having a backup copy on a local hard drive is always a good idea (and prefixing your scripts with some easy to find name helps, as does keeping your textures in a subfolder - just a bit of housekeeping)


Yes, I suppose you could pack your mod (file > create archive).


And give tesvgecko a whirl - you may be able to fix your records without having to reinstall.

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I've never borked my game to that point, but for the mod, having a backup copy on a local hard drive is always a good idea (and prefixing your scripts with some easy to find name helps, as does keeping your textures in a subfolder - just a bit of housekeeping)


Yes, I suppose you could pack your mod (file > create archive).


And give tesvgecko a whirl - you may be able to fix your records without having to reinstall.

Please read my editted post.

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